An arrest can cause stress and be a blow to your personal reputation. It is probable that you will face charges in a Florida State Court in the matter which led to this arrest or in the matter you are undergoing investigation for by a local Florida police department. Any type of crime committed at a state level is considered to be a violation of both state statutes and local statutes or ordinances. This type of case is prosecuted in circuit/county court and take place in the county in which the state attorney filed the matter. If a seasoned criminal defense attorney, like those at Rosenberg & Cummings PLLC intercepts the initial intervention, you could potentially avoid arrest and/or prosecution, as well as have your case dropped or the record of arrest erased or sealed.
We assists our business clients address issues such as:
Drug matters
Drug Trafficking
Manufacturing and Sales of Drugs
Drug Delivery
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Disorderly Conduct
Disorderly Intoxication
Obstructing Justice
Resisting Without Violence
Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
Boating Under the Influence (BUI)
Reckless Driving
Fraud Offenses
Credit Card Fraud
Insurance Fraud
Organized Fraud
Stalking / Aggravated Stalking
Assault and Battery / Domestic Violence
Aggravated Battery / Aggravated Assault
Weapons Offenses / Concealed Firearm / Deadly Missile
Forgery and Counterfeiting Offenses
Uttering a Forged Instrument
Driver License Offenses
Possession of a Stolen or Fraudulent License
Driving with a Suspended License (DWLS)
Fleeing and Eluding
Grand Theft
Dealing in Stolen Property
Petit Theft
Indecent Exposure / Lewd and Lascivious Conduct
ting Offenses
Uttering a Forged Instrument
Probation Violations / Community Control Violations

Rosenberg & Cummings PLLC
802 NE 20th Ave,
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
Email: info@rosenbergcummings.com
Tel: (954) 769-1344

The serious nature of a federal crime dictates that you need a professional representing your court case. At Rosenberg & Cummings PLLC we make every effort to keep our clients informed of his or her options. We also provide the opportunity to learn one-on-one about federal, state and local laws and the potential impact they can have on your life. Allow us to fight for your rights and work toward the best possible outcome.
We assists our business clients address issues such as:
Antitrust Violations
Asset Forfeiture
Child Pornography
Domestic Violence
Drug Trafficking
Economic Espionage
Environmental Law Violation
Failure to File Cash Transaction Reports
Healthcare and Insurance Fraud
Insider Trading
IRS Violations
Kickback Schemes
Money Laundering
Mortgage Fraud
Public Corruption
RICO Cases
Securities and Insurance Violations
Sex Crimes
Tax Evasion
Trade Secret Thefts